Various population fluctuation patterns of light-attracted beetles in a tropical lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak

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Population Ecology
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population dynamics

Kato, Makoto; Itioka, Takao; Sakai, Shoko; Momose, Kuniyasu; Yamane, Seiki; Hamid, Abang Abdul; Inoue, Tamiji

Abstract Note

The population fluctuation pattern of light- attracted beetles was studied from August 1992 to Septem- ber 1998 (for 73 months) using ultraviolet light-traps set at three vertical levels in a tropical lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. During our study, a general flowering occurred from April to July in 1996, and flowering on a small scale in 1997 and 1998. We analyzed the data for eight scarabaeid and six meloid species, some of which were anthophilous species. Various fluctuation patterns were observed among the beetle species in aspects of both seasonality and correlation with the supraannual pheno- logical pattern. Three large chafer species (Scarabaeidae, Melolonthini) showed a clear seasonal fluctuation pattern with a peak once from March to May every year, the peak monthly catch greatly fluctuating annually. Other scara- baeid beetles did not show such a clear seasonal population pattern and hardly fluctuated annually. Populations of an anthophilous scarabaeid species, Parastasia bimaculata, a specific pollinator of Homalomena propinqua (Araceae), hardly fluctuated, probably because of its response to the constant flowering of its floral hosts. Monthly catches of an anthophilous scarabaeid, Anomala sp., and meloid beetles showed clear supraannual patterns in response to the gen- eral flowering and were significantly correlated with the flowering intensity with or without a lag of a month. The fluctuation pattern of meloids suggests a supraannual popu- lation fluctuation pattern of their hosts, i.e., megachilid/ anthophorid bees.